'How to' Bulb Planters


Lee Bestall
Cultivating Tools
3rd September 2016

This week in the garden i'm predicting we're going to see a lot of growth.  The nights are warm, the days are long and the soil is nice and moist, thanks to the rain we had last week.

The spinach in the garden just seems to keep on growing, and we're picking it weekly, but its still charging on.  The baby leaves are the best if you are eating raw, but the larger ones are ok for cooking.  Why not try them in a 'sagg aloo', a traditional indian dish with spinach and potato.

Tool of the week

Bulb Planter

Select Bulb Planter - 3060EL


Lee and Bulb Planter

The bulb planter is one of those tools that many of us have, but only use twice per year.  Mainly in September/ October when planting spring flowering bulbs such as daffodils, tulips and alliums, or in may when planting summer bulbs such as gladioli.  But have you ever used your bulb planter for planting bedding plants or small plants grown in 3 inch pots?

Its so easy, as you get a nice little hole, perfect to drop the little plant in without any disturbance.  The only thing to watch out for is to make sure you firm it down well, as you do risk an air pocket under the plants base, which will inhibit the growth due to the lack of connection between the roots and the soil.   

Water well and there you have it. Great for bedding out a large area.

After those rains, lets hope for some sun this week and it may be a flaming June!

Happy gardening!

Lee 'The Gardener'

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Rekha Mistry

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