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1st December 2021
Our houseplants can provide a much-needed boost of greenery in the winter months, if the views from our windows are lacking an uplifting sign of life...
1st October 2021
October is one of my favourite times of year in the garden, looking back at summer, thinking about next year, and watching the scene turn from green...
1st September 2021
Warm damp soils of September can get the weeds growing with gusto. It can also be a key time to catch weeds before they seed everywhere. In our...
1st August 2021
As Summer ages and the freshness of autumn awaits us in the months ahead, is your garden looking a little jaded? A common problem of British gardens...
28th May 2021
June is the time for planting out tender plants, tomatoes being one of them. Of course, if you have a frost-free greenhouse they may be romping away...
1st May 2021
May is a special time in the gardening year. Fading spring bulbs are being enveloped by growth around them, in the most dignified way. Spring...
1st April 2021
It’s April. The tulips and daffodils will soon be fading, primula are doing their thing. The warming soil spurs on fresh and lively new foliage from...
1st March 2021
There is no bigger cause of gardener frustration than slugs and snails. A hundred and one obscure remedies do the rounds, but which approaches really...
1st February 2021
With a little planning and preparation, many trees and shrubs can be moved if they are not best sited. Give them the space they need to flourish, and...
