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2nd May 2019
If you read my article last month, you may remember that I’m on a journey to grow some of my own food this year using unconventional methods . So far...
1st April 2019
With the smell of spring in the air, lighter nights and brighter days comes the anticipation of spring. I love this time of year. Full of...
26th March 2019
Here at Eclipse Professional Tools, we really value experience and industry knowledge and our colleague Steve Burgin certainly has plenty of both...
5th March 2019
March really can feel like the beginning of spring: the days are lengthening and some of them see temperatures soar. On the other hand, March can...
1st February 2019
The month to begin seed sowing is here, and the first hints that the earth is sending up new life are appearing. Caution is still needed; unless you...
2nd January 2019
We gardeners can tend to become a little over-optimistic in January. We know that the shortest day has come and gone, and the only way is up. Sadly,...
2nd December 2018
Winter is well and truly here once December arrives. The outdoors can feel gloomy and uninviting. Don’t be disheartened though – there are jobs to be...
1st November 2018
November is technically an autumn month, and yet it can feel decidedly wintry. Days are generally more miserable, there’s that slippery downhill...
1st October 2018
We feel the end of the year approaching in October. The light fades fast, and the leaves fall almost as quickly. During daylight the carpeted ground...
